Supporting Community Outreach with BWAN


Supporting Community Outreach with BWAN

by alicem

by alicem

In 1992, Bleeker/Wellesley Activity Network (BWAN) founder Vicky Rennie saw a need in her community and promptly filled it. Years later, she is still filling that need, with an ever-growing network of community members who rely on her organization to fill their days with purpose.

This year, during the holidays, she expects to feed over 90 seniors and adults with disabilities, as well as provide comfort and companionship to some of our city’s most isolated citizens. And in return, she enjoys the lively conversation and friendships found within.

The BWAN is a volunteer-based organization committed to providing seniors with a feeling of safety, caring and independence. Their focus is on building community awareness to help vulnerable residents develop friendships and get involved in outside activities, contributing to their overall health and safety. This focus is a means of empowering seniors and the physically or mentally disabled. By helping them establish relationships through community events and buddy systems, they feel less isolated and more self-assured. BWAN is committed to accessibility and equity for all its members, offering a welcoming environment that celebrates and honors diversity.

Over the years the organization has received both community and government funding to grow the program that provides full, hot, heart-healthy lunches to seniors and the disabled. They have engaged a number of volunteers (a number of which are certified food handlers) that help bring together members (who are residents of the community) for two meals per month as well as provide them with a week’s worth of fresh produce. In addition to the meal program, BWAN also organizes other activities for its members such as excursions, forums and classes.

Fresh produce, specifically potatoes, is where the connection with Ontario Potato Dist. (Alliston) 1991 (OPDI) is made. Eight years ago, Vicky purchased a bag of potatoes from a local grocer that ended up being a bad batch. Rather than go back to the retailer she contacted OPDI directly providing her very honest (and angry) feedback. In response, company president, Danny Cappuccitti responded to her personally, calling to listen to her story. After learning more about her organization and its mission, along with her commitment to the community, he became involved.

“I was personally touched by Vicky’s story,” said Danny Cappuccitti, of the encounter, “After a long conversation a friendship was formed, and we have been honoured to contribute to the BWAN for the past 2 decades.”

For the past eight years, OPDI has support the incredible efforts of BWAN by donating 200 lbs. of Champion-brand potatoes a month. The potatoes are used for the meals as well as given directly to members.