It is often said that it is better to give than to receive, and giving is something very important to us.
From our company’s President, Danny Cappuccitti, to the great people that work for us all year round, the spirit of generosity is always in the forefront.
“During this time of giving, it always heartwarming to reflect back on the number of initiatives that our family company has supported,” said Cappuccitti. “These initiatives fill an immediate need within our community and beyond that have contributed to the health and well-being of those less fortunate.”
Over the years the Cappuccitti family has lent its support to:
St. Patrick Catholic School (Wildfield) & Country Day School (King City)
Support for these schools has included the donation of team uniforms for St. Patrick; the purchase of tables at annual fundraising dinner for each school; playing an active role as a committee member on school fundraising initiatives; donating prizes and sports tickets as incentives for school fundraising endeavours (including dinner galas and silent auctions); and contributing to resource and infrastructure projects at these schools (such as the playground apparatus installation at St. Patrick’s).
“Through generations, vision, and decades of relentless hard work, the Cappuccitti family has established two highly successful companies – Ontario Potato Distribution Inc. & OPDI Logistics. I have been blessed to witness how Danny Cappuccitti & the OPDI team has generously shared their good fortune with schools, churches, and charities to help make a lasting positive impact within Ontario communities.” – Scott McLauchlan, former School Chair & Trustee, Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board.
Church & Catholic Charities
The Cappuccitti family have been loyal supporters of their parish communities since childhood. They are active members and annual financial contributors to St. Patrick Church (Wildfield), as well as being long-time contributors and attendees at the Cardinal’s Dinner in support of various Catholic charities throughout the Diocese. In addition they have consistently contributed their support and products to help those in need through The Knights Table.
Ontario Lung Association
Just this past year, the Cappuccitti family has lent their generous support as a Foundational Partner and greatest financial contributor to a newly created fundraiser called the STAIR to CARE for the Ontario Lung Association. In collaboration with the Hamilton Tiger Cats. This is a stadium climb event launched as a new community-based fundraising event, to increase awareness of the importance of breathing and physical activity for everyone, including children with asthma.
“OPDI and the Cappuccitti family have been the greatest financial contributor to the Ontario Lung Association’s new STAIR to CARE stadium climb fundraising event with the Hamilton Tiger-Cats. For two consecutive years, when few companies within the Greater Hamilton Area were prepared to provide support for breathing breakthroughs to the 1-in-5 Canadians now living with lung disease, Alliston-based OPDI significantly stepped up in both a compassionate and financially meaningful way.” Scott McLauchlan, Triumph Marketing – Program Co-Creator and Activation Consultation on STAIR to CARE
“While everyone at Ontario Potation Distribution (Alliston) Inc. 1991 and O.P.D.I. Logistics appreciates the recognition of these fine community organizers, we are most rewarded by the positive contributions we are fortunate enough to make,” said Danny Cappuccitti.